Hey, its been awhile since i did anything on here, been super busy lately getting some extra money for Canada and riding.
First off I had a sweet photo shoot with Derek Morrison from Adventure Media Group and got some amazing shots! So keep a look out for them in the next wee while.
B roll shot from Derek. |
Hit up
Adventure Media Groups Facebook for some more B roll shots. Apparently I was quite lucky on this shoot that I didn't have to shoot until it was pitch dark which Derek apparently has a reputation for, got to get the shots though!
The day after the shoot I flew up to Auckland for the NZDJO. My mate Jim (who happens to be the best badminton player in NZ) picked me up and we headed out to woodhill. It didn't take long to get used to the jumps as they were pretty much the same as the year before with only afew speed differences.
Sunday was I allover the show in the morning, I hadn't had much sleep but after afew runs I was feeling normal again. The comp got underway about 12 and everyone started throwing down. It was a three round format in which the riders slowly got whittled down to around 10 in the filnal round i think. Between the rounds they had best trick comps on two separate jumps, the first one was on the smaller jumps up the top, langlands was throwing down but went down on a flipwip and did his collarbone then almost straight after that another rider went down doing a 720 and bunged up his shoulder pretty badly. This put a huge damper on the contest and was hard to get motivated to ride after 20min of waiting around. I didn't feel like riding after the two injuries and I'm sure alot of the other riders felt the same. We got underway again though and I had to physic myself up with music which I rarely have to do but it worked. In the next session I flipped the stepdown which I was stoked on with plans for something bigger in the final. After the second round they had another best trick comp on the big double, I was pretty tempted to try a big trick on it and try grab some cash but I managed to hold myself back as it was only 4 weeks until the Claymore challenge and wasn't worth risking getting hurt. Matt Harris did a flip over it along with Elmo Cotter doing a sweet flip table thing over it but in the end Lewis won the money with a huge indy superman!
Finals came around and I decided to try fronty the stepdown as I really felt like doing a fronty but didn't want to risk it over the big jump. I threw it twice and got worked but was allgood, was an awesome crash though!
Video of Crash from Jim
In the end Lewis Jones cleaned up with Phil Mclean and Chris Beverland in 2nd and 3rd. It was awesome the see Chris up there as hes been ripping forever but I haven't seen him on a podium before. I ended up getting 4th and Elmo Cotter 5th (although I thought we got 4th equal). I defiantly didn't deserve to do any better than I did as I concentrated to much on afew big tricks rather than tricking every jump every run, I've learnt from my mistakes though.
Highlights for me were Tanis perfect 3wips and 3tables to ET, Phils superwip and Nick Dethridges 3 Bar.
Next stop for me, Claymore Challenge hopefully!
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