August 22, 2011


There are plenty of jumps on the Whistler DH tracks so once one is sick of hucking and getting wild on gnarly tracks they have plenty of opportunities to work on their style.  As you can see below I've had a good few months to perfect my style and damn is it looking good!  Captured by the lens of James Allen.
style  (stl)

1. The way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed: a style of speech and writing.
2. The combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance characterizing a particular person, group, school, or era.
3. Sort; type: a style of furniture.
4. A quality of imagination and individuality expressed in one's actions and tastes: does things with style.

1250–1300; Middle English  (noun) < Latin stylus, spelling variant of stilus tool for writing, hence, written composition, style

August 14, 2011


The rest of my time in Canada will be spent in Whistler doing whatever pops up.  The other day Adrian Dom and I decided we wanted to do a full day of DH, not to try do as many runs as we could just to complete it without dieing...  Afew people told us we wouldn't make it due to our hands and arms getting to sore, which you might not understand unless you have done lots of runs in whistler or a bike park.  Full on DH race tracks that are rough rocky and rooty aren't to bad its the runs like Aline that have lots of small braking bumps that hurt your hands.  Anyways we managed to last a full day and ended up doing 35 runs which totalled over 12000 vertical meters, I'm glad I did it but don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon.

River jumps are always a good time especially when a good session gets going, theres a ton of riders here of all abilities including absolute shredders which is awesome, makes you push yourself that much more.

One of my favourite new tricks, if you can tell what it is.
Cheers to Dom for the photos
Even though Whistler is the "capital of the world" for mountain biking you cant always find what you need to fix your bike, one snapped bolt and I'm out for afew days so sightseeing it is for me.

August 5, 2011

Green River Utah

Here's a small vid put together by Drew Vandergriend of Ben Glassen in Green River.  A tiny hick town in the middle of nowhere where everything is either falling down or shut...

I was on my rear brake only hardtail so wasn't really in my element but had an awesome time and couldn't pass up riding a famous spot like Green River!

August 2, 2011

Ride 2012 Calendar

Derek Morrison has put together another calendar for 2012 featuring some of NZ's top MTBers in stunning locations around NZ. 

 "Ride 2012: The Art of Riding raises the bar again. It combines some of New Zealand’s best mountain bike riders including Justin Leov, Conor Macfarlane, Harriet Harper, Reuben Olorenshaw and Kashi Leuchs with stunning locations throughout New Zealand. For 2012 it also features the dates of New Zealand’s best mountain bike events."

Hit up for more info, orders, preview and more.

Crankworks Qualifying Video